Billy Wofford Memorial Fund Established
by Mike Schlimgen
Billy Wofford was known to us all to be a man of integrity, humor, generosity, and a mighty fine fly fisher. He was our friend, mentor, and served Central Texas Fly Fishers (CTFF) with dignity, since our inception.
Billy would be honored with a legacy of providing fly fishing opportunities to youth, and military veterans.
Therefore, we have converted the savings account of CTFF to the Billy Wofford Memorial Fund.
The Billy Wofford Memorial Fund will be used to promote the sport of fly fishing, to the citizens of our community, with an emphasis on youth and military veterans.
We will accomplish this by continuing our support of the "Fun Fish Days" serving the special needs students of the San Marcos Independent School District. Additionally, we will foster our partnership with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, by providing annual fly fishing clinics in our community. This clinic will target families with youth.
We will do our part to continue the close partnership with San Marcos Parks and Recreation, which Billy worked so hard to cultivate. This partnership includes our continued commitment to undertake river cleanups at John. J. Stokes San Marcos River State Park.
We will continue to discover ways to support fly fishing among the student veterans of Texas State University, and reach out to other military veterans in the San Marcos area.
The use and dispersement of monies from the Billy Wofford Memorial Fund will be solely at the discretion of the CTTF officers.
Note: Mike Schlimgen, a past president of CTFF, was Billy Wofford's neighbor for more than 20 years. Like him, we all miss Billy in many ways.